Wednesday, July 18, 2007

No Interclub Competition with Blackwood this week

There will be NO Interclub Competition with Blackwood Camera Club on Thursday 19th July, as previously stated in the program. Our website has been updated on the program page, and a new program for the rest of the year will be available shortly.

SAPF Annual Exhibition

The opening of the SAPF Annual Exhibition will be held on Friday 20th July at 7:45pm at Mullins Gallery, 260 Portrush Road, Beulah Park. The doors will be open at 7pm. The exhibition will be open on Saturday and Sunday as well from 10am until 4pm. There will be a screening of the slides on Friday evening and each the afternoons on Saturday & Sunday.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Program Changes

Tuesday 17th July - Presentation by Caroline Fisher, commercial photographer and photography teacher, about the commercial work she does and workshops she runs. This replaces the portraiture practical.

Tuesday 24th July - Photoshop workshop - preparation of images for digital projection competitions. This replaces the trade night.

Tuesday 28th August - Demonstration by Graphic Arts Supplies on colour calibration and printers. This replaces the practical.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Club Outing, Sunday 15th July

Old Government House
Belair National Park
Upper Sturt Road, Belair


Opening Hours 1pm to 4pm
Meet at Old Government House at 1pm

Belair National Park - $7.50 per car ($6.00 concession)
Old Government House – Gold Coin Donation

Get a group together and enjoy a picnic or BBQ beforehand
BBQ facilities available in the National Park. BYO utensils

NO PHOTOGRAPHY permitted INDOORS of the Old Government House
Photography permitted outside and in the grounds of the House