Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Photo Quiz, Tuesday May 19

Next week’s meeting is going to be a little different.  Peter Phillips has taken photographs at various locations around the city and parklands, and these will be shown on Tuesday night.  Cryptic clues will be given, and members are to try to identify the locations.  Please bring supper, and a pen and notepaper.  It should be a fun evening.

Club Outing Sunday May 17

The Club Outing for this month will be on Sunday May 17 at the Mount Lofty Botanic Gardens.  We will meet at 3 pm at the lower car park, which is off Lampert Road.  To get to there go up the freeway from the city, take the Crafers exit, head towards Piccadilly and follow the signs.  Things to photograph:  autumn colours, reflections in the lake and ponds, close ups of flowers and ferns, bird life, scenery.  Afterwards we will either go for a coffee or an evening meal.