Monday, December 08, 2008
End of Year Exhibition this Saturday
At our exhibition we will have on display the prints that gained an acceptance in the End of Year Competitions, in the categories of Open, Portraiture and/or People, Nature, Architecture, Creative and/or Experimental, Photo Essay and Photojournalism.
At 8 pm our exhibition will be opened by Scott Mosen from Diamonds/Photo Wholesalers, and we will then show the slides that gained an acceptance in the same categories as the prints. This will be followed by a presentation of some digital images from the competitions throughout the year.
The evening also includes the presentation of trophies to the winners in each category of the end of year and the aggregates from competitions during the year.
Finally, we will be having a raffle with lots of prizes, followed by supper, which is provided by the members.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Classic Photos from Life Magazine
So if you're looking for photographic inspiration, take a look!
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Program Update for December 9
Therefore, December 9 will be a "Bring Your Cameras" practical evening. We will be trying out the use of the club's studio flash units outdoors. It will also be an opportunity to re-do the members portraits, or "Rogues Gallery". You have been warned.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
End of Year Competitions
The closing date for the End of Year Print Competition is November 4. Judging will be on November 11 and will be done by a panel of 3 judges, each giving a score out of 5. There are 3 groups of prints: Small Colour Prints, Large Colour Prints, and Monochrome Prints. There are 5 sections: Pictorial (ie Open), Portraiture and/or People, Nature, Architecture, and Experimental/Creative. In the pictorial section a member can enter up to 6 entries; in the other sections the maximum number of entries is 4.
The closing date for the End of Year Slide Competition is November 11. Judging will be on November 18 and will also be done by a panel of 3 judges. The same 5 sections and the maximum number of entries for each section also apply.
More details can be obtained from the Competition rules.
The End of Year Exhibition will be conducted at Tonsley Hall on Saturday December 13, with the best work being displayed.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Program Changes
On 28 October Richard Akroyd will be demonstrating the use of U Point image post-processing technology. U Point is a method of adjusting images with all of the power of layers and layer-masks without any need to consciously manipulate layers. For many users it will be significantly more convenient and perhaps more intuitive than some of the more traditional "high end" image adjustment techniques. The technology has been developed by Nik Software Inc. and is now available as a Photoshop plug-in and is also integrated into the latest version of Nikon Capture, the Raw File conversion software for Nikon cameras.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Annual Photo Journalism and Photo Essay Competition
"Photo journalism is a record of any event which tells a story of what has happened, is happening or is about to happen, the sight of which excites or stimulates one of the human emotions. Set up portraits are excluded."
"A photo essay comprises of a set of four slides or prints which when viewed together tell a story. Each set of prints must be displayed on one mount. The size of the mount shall accommodate up to a maximum of four prints up to A4 size with a maximum border of 5 centimetres on the edges."
An entry form can be downloaded here.
Sunday outing to Port Adelaide
Thursday, August 07, 2008
SAPF Annual Audio Visual Exhibition
Hello Camera Club Member,
I would like to bring to your attention the up-coming SAPF Audio Visual Exhibition on Saturday 8th of November 2008.
The exhibition is open to all members of affiliated camera clubs with SAPF, this means that you can have a go creating an audio visual to enter this exhibition. All the details you need to know is on the entry form, which can be downloaded from the SAPF website.
An AV is a series of photo’s compiled together in a sequence that tells a story. Using background music and/or narration that is in tune with the images adds to the overall package. The transitions between the images should flow harmoniously with the music and/or narration. Introduction of multiple image slides also has a great impact to an AV.
If you are inexperienced in making AV’s the section photo harmony is for you. What is PHOTO HARMONY? A photo harmony AV is exactly the same as a traditional AV but without the narration.
If you are interested in having a go making an AV, can I suggest you take a look at some examples to get an idea of what can be done. I have included some helpful links to get you started, I highly recommend Barry Beckham’s web site as your first point of call.
The software Pictures to EXE seems to be the preferred program amongst AV workers so if you haven’t already got a copy you can download a copy from one of the links above.
Finally, why not combine your skills with another member and make a combined entry or what about the camera club making an activity in your programme to produce an AV in the club entry section. Even if you don’t enter an AV in the exhibition, please keep the exhibition date free to attend the Gala Presentation & Awards night.
If you have any further questions please contact the director – details on entry form.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Photo Wholesalers Exhibition for August
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Digital Competition File naming convention
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Dare to be Different, 29th July
Instead of having a judge to evaluate the images and give a score there will be a popular vote to determine the winning image. Further details and explanation will be given on July 8.
Photoshop and Digital camera workshop/tutorial reminder
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Upcoming activities at the club
On Tuesday 24th June, John Hodgson will give an audio visual presentation on his images of China, as well as a tutorial presentation on Close up and Still Life Photography.
On Tuesday 1st July there will be an Interclub competition between EPC and Blackwood Photography Club, in our club rooms. Each club will enter a set of 30 slides, 15 colour and 15 monochrome prints for judging, with each entry getting a score out of 10. The club with the most points at the end is the winner.
On Tuesday 8th July we will have another Photoshop Workshop/Tutorial, which will cover the topics of converting colour to monochrome, using curves, cropping and darkening skies in images.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Sunday Outing 15th June
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Photographing Orchids Practical Workshop
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Interclub Competition with West Torrens Camera Club
Time: 7.30 pm
Where: "Kandahar", 327 Marion Road, North Plympton.
An interclub competition is where each club provides a set of images (in this case, slides), to be judged and scored by a judge, with the scores tallied up to determine the winning club.
As we will be at the West Torrens Camera Club's meeting place on the night, there will be no EPC meeting in our hall.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Tuesday May 20 Guest Speaker, Richard Harris
Club Outing, Coromandel Valley, Sunday 18th May, 2 pm
The weather forcast is for a few showers on Sunday, so take a rain jacket just in case.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Depth of Field Calculator
We know, or should know, that the smaller the aperture and the further we are from our point of focus, the greater is the depth of field. As we get closer to our subject the depth of field becomes more critical. This can be a major factor in macro photography, where you need very small apertures to get the most depth of field. With this, lighting usually becomes another problem.
Using a 50 mm Macro lens set to take 1:1, that is life size on the film plane, and an aperture of f32, then your depth of field can be as small as 3 mm. In portrait photography a focal length lens of between 100 - 150 mm is considered best for natural looking portraits. The depth of field available at say, 3 metres at f11 with a 150 mm lens, is 160 mm using these tables.
The amount of depth of field available becomes difficult to calculate if we are using a zoom lens or a digital camera where depth of field scales are not shown.
This website may help:
The list of cameras available is in alphabetical order and the tables for any and all cameras are available using the drop down list, as is the distances in either feet and inches or in metres.
On this web site there is an interactive depth of field calculator where you are able to find out the depth of field available for all lenses of all focal lengths, including digital camera lenses at any chosen aperture. If you are handy there are also instructions on how to make a depth of field calculator which, if made small enough, will fit on a lens cap.
This is an interesting site and well worth a visit.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
April Club Outing changed again
Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
April Outing Deferred to April 27th
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Trade Night Tonight, 15th April
A quick reminder that there is a Trade Night visit to Inkjet City at 7.30 pm tonight.
Inkjet City is located on South Road, opposite Castle Plaza. You can find a map on their website HERE.
See you there.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Great Photographic Challenge, Sunday 30th March
This Sunday we are meeting at 1.30 pm at the rotunda in Elder Park, near the Festival Centre in the city.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Outdoor Photography at Dusk
On Tuesday 18th March we will not be having a meeting in the club rooms, instead we will be meeting at 6.30 pm at the bottom car park of the Hallett Cove Conservation Park. Even though it looks like being a hot day, it will be cooler on the coast in the evening...
Take your camera, tripod, neutral density and polarising filters to try photographing moving water using slow shutter speeds.
The Great Photographic Challenge postponed
Due to the continuation of the heat wave this weekend the Great Photographic Challenge that was scheduled for Sunday has been postponed. It will now be held on Sunday 30th March. Here's hoping we will actually get nice autumn weather then!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Reminder for Tuesday 26 February Meeting
The second part of the meeting will be the screening of the Commonwealth Challenge entries and judging. The Commonwealth Challenge is an international interclub competition between EPC and clubs from New Zealand and the UK.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Program updates
On Tuesday March 18 is Outdoor Photography at Dusk. We will not be meeting in the club rooms but meeting at the bottom car park at 6.30 pm at the Hallett Cove Conservation Park. This is an opportunity for sunset photography as well as photography in soft light. A sturdy tripod is a must for photographing waves and water over rocks using slow shutter speeds.
Here's an article that might give you some ideas:
Twilight Photography Tips - from the digital photography school blog
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Club Outing, Sunday 17 February 2008
Meet fellow club members at the start of Henley Jetty at 1.00 pm for an afternoon of photographic opportunities and social fun.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Digital Image Competition Guidelines
A new page for the EPC website is currently being worked on, and will contain the rules, definitions, and links to download the entry forms and digital imaging guidelines.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Another good photography blog
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
EPC website updated
The News page has been updated to include links to download competition entry forms.
The Program page has been updated to include a link to download the full program.
Links to AV resources
Here are a few links to the various software mentioned:
ProShow Gold
Wings HERE
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Audio Visual Presentations, Tuesday 22nd January
Monday, January 14, 2008
First meeting for 2008, Tuesday 15th January
Members will also have the opportunity to nominate which grade they would like to enter in the competitions for 2008. This is especially important for those who wish to enter in the digital competitions, which will be trialling a 2 grade system this year.
Keith Seidel will also replay the 2007 End of Year Digital Images Presentation.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Caroline Fisher's Photo Workshop
The next photo workshop will be held on Sunday 10th Feb. 2008. It will be a water, dusk, sunset, night workshop (long time exp) @ Hallet Cove beach. Starting at 4pm and finishing at 10pm. Cost : $150.00. For more information email Caroline - her contact details are on her website here.